
Quick Facts

Daily Price

0.41% ($0.10)
December 20, 2024

Summary Stats

Asset Class Canadian Neutral Balanced
Risk Low to Medium
MER 1 2.56%
Net Assets $169.35 M
Inception Date October 18, 2010
Fund Status Closed to deposits and switches-in
Geographic Allocation
A map of Canada.
A map of Canada.

Geographic Allocation

A map of Canada.
A map of Canada.

Growth of $10,000

A chart thumbnail displaying change in value of $10,000 invested in this fund.
A chart thumbnail displaying change in value of $10,000 invested in this fund. 

Underlying Fund

Manulife Canadian Balanced Fund

Underlying Fund Manager

Manulife Investment Management Limited

Portfolio Sub-Advisor

Mawer Investment Management Ltd.

Portfolio Managers

Greg Peterson

Investment Objective

The Fund seeks to achieve long-term growth and preservation of capital. The Fund will invest up to all of its assets in a diversified mix of other mutual funds, and may also invest in common shares, preferred shares, treasury bills, short-term notes, debentures, and bonds.

Fund Codes

FE BE LL F-Class Elite FE Elite BE Elite LL
MGF9137 MGF9637 MGF9737
Fund Status Capped Capped Capped
MGF8737 MGF9437 MGF9537
Fund Status Capped Capped Capped
MGF7037 MGF7137 MGF7237
Fund Status Capped Capped Capped
MGF2837 MGF6437 MGF7537
Fund Status Capped Capped Capped
MGF8637 MGF9237 MGF9337
Fund Status Capped Capped Capped
MGF8837 MGF8937 MGF9037
Fund Status Capped Capped Capped
Fund Status Capped
MGF8337 MGF8437 MGF8537
Fund Status Capped Capped Capped
Fund Status Capped
MGF6737 MGF6837 MGF6937
Fund Status Capped Capped Capped
Fund Status Capped
MGF1337 MGF2937 MGF7437
Fund Status Capped Capped Capped
Fund Status Capped
Fund Status Capped
MGF8037 MGF8137 MGF8237
Fund Status Capped Capped Capped

EstatePlus (Elite)

Elite FE MGF9137 Capped
Elite BE MGF9637 Capped
Elite LL MGF9737 Capped

IncomePlus v2.0 (Elite)

Elite FE MGF8737 Capped
Elite BE MGF9437 Capped
Elite LL MGF9537 Capped

IncomePlus v2.1 (Elite)

Elite FE MGF7037 Capped
Elite BE MGF7137 Capped
Elite LL MGF7237 Capped

IncomePlus v2.2 (Elite)

Elite FE MGF2837 Capped
Elite BE MGF6437 Capped
Elite LL MGF7537 Capped

InvestmentPlus 75/75(Elite)

Elite FE MGF8637 Capped
Elite BE MGF9237 Capped
Elite LL MGF9337 Capped


FE MGF8837 Capped
BE MGF8937 Capped
LL MGF9037 Capped
Elite FE
Elite BE
Elite LL

EstatePlus (F-Class)

F-Class MGF6237 Capped
Elite FE
Elite BE
Elite LL

IncomePlus v2.0

FE MGF8337 Capped
BE MGF8437 Capped
LL MGF8537 Capped
Elite FE
Elite BE
Elite LL

IncomePlus v2.0 (F-Class)

F-Class MGF6137 Capped
Elite FE
Elite BE
Elite LL

IncomePlus v2.1

FE MGF6737 Capped
BE MGF6837 Capped
LL MGF6937 Capped
Elite FE
Elite BE
Elite LL

IncomePlus v2.1 (F-Class)

F-Class MGF7337 Capped
Elite FE
Elite BE
Elite LL

IncomePlus v2.2

FE MGF1337 Capped
BE MGF2937 Capped
LL MGF7437 Capped
Elite FE
Elite BE
Elite LL

IncomePlus v2.2 (F-Class)

F-Class MGF7837 Capped
Elite FE
Elite BE
Elite LL

InvestmentPlus 75/75 F-Class, PSF

F-Class MGF6037 Capped
Elite FE
Elite BE
Elite LL

InvestmentPlus 75/75 Front-end, Back-end, Low-load, No-load with CB (selected)

FE MGF8037 Capped
BE MGF8137 Capped
LL MGF8237 Capped
Elite FE
Elite BE
Elite LL
FE BE LL F-Class Elite FE Elite BE Elite LL
EstatePlus (Elite) MGF9137 MGF9637 MGF9737
Fund Status Capped Capped Capped
IncomePlus v2.0 (Elite) MGF8737 MGF9437 MGF9537
Fund Status Capped Capped Capped
IncomePlus v2.1 (Elite) MGF7037 MGF7137 MGF7237
Fund Status Capped Capped Capped
IncomePlus v2.2 (Elite) MGF2837 MGF6437 MGF7537
Fund Status Capped Capped Capped
InvestmentPlus 75/75(Elite) MGF8637 MGF9237 MGF9337
Fund Status Capped Capped Capped
EstatePlus MGF8837 MGF8937 MGF9037
Fund Status Capped Capped Capped
EstatePlus (F-Class) MGF6237
Fund Status Capped
IncomePlus v2.0 MGF8337 MGF8437 MGF8537
Fund Status Capped Capped Capped
IncomePlus v2.0 (F-Class) MGF6137
Fund Status Capped
IncomePlus v2.1 MGF6737 MGF6837 MGF6937
Fund Status Capped Capped Capped
IncomePlus v2.1 (F-Class) MGF7337
Fund Status Capped
IncomePlus v2.2 MGF1337 MGF2937 MGF7437
Fund Status Capped Capped Capped
IncomePlus v2.2 (F-Class) MGF7837
Fund Status Capped
InvestmentPlus 75/75 F-Class, PSF MGF6037
Fund Status Capped
InvestmentPlus 75/75 Front-end, Back-end, Low-load, No-load with CB MGF8037 MGF8137 MGF8237
Fund Status Capped Capped Capped

Performance ±

Growth Chart

Jump to Range
Total return for this timeframe
Growth Chart

Compound Returns (%)

1 month 3 months 6 months YTD 1 year 3 years 5 years 10 years Inception
3.08 2.85 6.77 9.40 13.09 2.88 4.69 5.48 6.97
3.09 2.90 6.89 9.65 13.36 3.09 4.82 5.54 7.01
3.10 2.93 6.96 9.73 13.43 3.08 4.78 5.48 7.01
3.10 2.95 6.96 9.72 13.43 3.11 4.83 5.56 7.02
3.10 2.91 6.92 9.69 13.41 3.13 4.87 5.62 3.59
3.03 2.69 6.46 8.83 12.44 2.25 3.97 4.68 3.02
3.12 2.98 7.04 9.89 13.63 3.36 5.13 5.95 3.80
3.03 2.69 6.46 8.83 12.44 2.25 3.97 4.68 3.02
3.12 2.99 7.09 10.02 13.77 3.46 5.19 5.86 7.33
3.03 2.69 6.46 8.83 12.45 2.26 3.98 4.69 6.20
3.12 2.98 7.06 9.98 13.74 3.42 5.16 6.03 7.54
3.03 2.69 6.46 8.84 12.45 2.27 3.99 4.70 6.09
3.12 3.00 7.11 10.03 13.77 3.40 5.17 6.04 7.44
3.13 3.02 7.13 10.07 13.82 3.43 5.18 6.09 3.87
3.03 2.71 6.51 8.92 12.54 2.34 4.07 4.78 6.22

EstatePlus (Elite)

1 month 3.08
3 months 2.85
6 months 6.77
YTD 9.40
1 year 13.09
3 years 2.88
5 years 4.69
10 years 5.48
Inception 6.97

IncomePlus v2.0 (Elite)

1 month 3.09
3 months 2.90
6 months 6.89
YTD 9.65
1 year 13.36
3 years 3.09
5 years 4.82
10 years 5.54
Inception 7.01

IncomePlus v2.1 (Elite)

1 month 3.10
3 months 2.93
6 months 6.96
YTD 9.73
1 year 13.43
3 years 3.08
5 years 4.78
10 years 5.48
Inception 7.01

IncomePlus v2.2 (Elite)

1 month 3.10
3 months 2.95
6 months 6.96
YTD 9.72
1 year 13.43
3 years 3.11
5 years 4.83
10 years 5.56
Inception 7.02

InvestmentPlus 75/75(Elite)

1 month 3.10
3 months 2.91
6 months 6.92
YTD 9.69
1 year 13.41
3 years 3.13
5 years 4.87
10 years 5.62
Inception 3.59


1 month 3.03
3 months 2.69
6 months 6.46
YTD 8.83
1 year 12.44
3 years 2.25
5 years 3.97
10 years 4.68
Inception 3.02

EstatePlus (F-Class)

1 month 3.12
3 months 2.98
6 months 7.04
YTD 9.89
1 year 13.63
3 years 3.36
5 years 5.13
10 years 5.95
Inception 3.80

IncomePlus v2.0

1 month 3.03
3 months 2.69
6 months 6.46
YTD 8.83
1 year 12.44
3 years 2.25
5 years 3.97
10 years 4.68
Inception 3.02

IncomePlus v2.0 (F-Class)

1 month 3.12
3 months 2.99
6 months 7.09
YTD 10.02
1 year 13.77
3 years 3.46
5 years 5.19
10 years 5.86
Inception 7.33

IncomePlus v2.1

1 month 3.03
3 months 2.69
6 months 6.46
YTD 8.83
1 year 12.45
3 years 2.26
5 years 3.98
10 years 4.69
Inception 6.20

IncomePlus v2.1 (F-Class)

1 month 3.12
3 months 2.98
6 months 7.06
YTD 9.98
1 year 13.74
3 years 3.42
5 years 5.16
10 years 6.03
Inception 7.54

IncomePlus v2.2

1 month 3.03
3 months 2.69
6 months 6.46
YTD 8.84
1 year 12.45
3 years 2.27
5 years 3.99
10 years 4.70
Inception 6.09

IncomePlus v2.2 (F-Class)

1 month 3.12
3 months 3.00
6 months 7.11
YTD 10.03
1 year 13.77
3 years 3.40
5 years 5.17
10 years 6.04
Inception 7.44

InvestmentPlus 75/75 F-Class, PSF

1 month 3.13
3 months 3.02
6 months 7.13
YTD 10.07
1 year 13.82
3 years 3.43
5 years 5.18
10 years 6.09
Inception 3.87

InvestmentPlus 75/75 Front-end, Back-end, Low-load, No-load with CB

1 month 3.03
3 months 2.71
6 months 6.51
YTD 8.92
1 year 12.54
3 years 2.34
5 years 4.07
10 years 4.78
Inception 6.22
1 month 3 months 6 months YTD 1 year 3 years 5 years 10 years Inception
EstatePlus (Elite) 3.08 2.85 6.77 9.40 13.09 2.88 4.69 5.48 6.97
IncomePlus v2.0 (Elite) 3.09 2.90 6.89 9.65 13.36 3.09 4.82 5.54 7.01
IncomePlus v2.1 (Elite) 3.10 2.93 6.96 9.73 13.43 3.08 4.78 5.48 7.01
IncomePlus v2.2 (Elite) 3.10 2.95 6.96 9.72 13.43 3.11 4.83 5.56 7.02
InvestmentPlus 75/75(Elite) 3.10 2.91 6.92 9.69 13.41 3.13 4.87 5.62 3.59
EstatePlus 3.03 2.69 6.46 8.83 12.44 2.25 3.97 4.68 3.02
EstatePlus (F-Class) 3.12 2.98 7.04 9.89 13.63 3.36 5.13 5.95 3.80
IncomePlus v2.0 3.03 2.69 6.46 8.83 12.44 2.25 3.97 4.68 3.02
IncomePlus v2.0 (F-Class) 3.12 2.99 7.09 10.02 13.77 3.46 5.19 5.86 7.33
IncomePlus v2.1 3.03 2.69 6.46 8.83 12.45 2.26 3.98 4.69 6.20
IncomePlus v2.1 (F-Class) 3.12 2.98 7.06 9.98 13.74 3.42 5.16 6.03 7.54
IncomePlus v2.2 3.03 2.69 6.46 8.84 12.45 2.27 3.99 4.70 6.09
IncomePlus v2.2 (F-Class) 3.12 3.00 7.11 10.03 13.77 3.40 5.17 6.04 7.44
InvestmentPlus 75/75 F-Class, PSF 3.13 3.02 7.13 10.07 13.82 3.43 5.18 6.09 3.87
InvestmentPlus 75/75 Front-end, Back-end, Low-load, No-load with CB (selected) 3.03 2.71 6.51 8.92 12.54 2.34 4.07 4.78 6.22

Calendar Returns (%)

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
2.91 10.31 17.34 11.48 6.69 4.94 8.76 -3.63 15.09 6.56 11.11 -10.45 8.39
2.91 10.31 17.34 11.48 6.77 4.88 8.53 -3.56 15.15 6.62 11.04 -10.34 8.68
17.31 11.41 6.71 4.83 8.48 -3.66 15.06 6.54 10.94 -10.40 8.65
11.84 6.88 4.96 8.62 -3.56 15.06 6.51 11.14 -10.34 8.65
2.91 10.31 17.34 11.51 6.90 5.01 8.66 -3.47 15.21 6.67 11.09 -10.30 8.73
2.10 9.43 16.41 10.59 5.90 4.04 7.65 -4.37 14.22 5.76 10.14 -11.07 7.80
3.20 10.67 17.61 11.78 7.26 5.38 9.00 -3.12 15.78 7.01 11.43 -10.07 8.93
2.10 9.43 16.41 10.59 5.90 4.04 7.65 -4.37 14.22 5.76 10.14 -11.07 7.80
3.20 10.67 17.61 11.74 6.98 5.11 8.76 -3.30 15.56 6.99 11.43 -10.02 9.07
16.43 10.60 5.91 4.05 7.67 -4.35 14.24 5.77 10.15 -11.06 7.81
17.84 12.05 7.43 5.59 9.16 -2.99 15.82 6.96 11.40 -10.08 9.06
10.62 5.90 4.05 7.68 -4.35 14.25 5.78 10.16 -11.05 7.82
12.01 7.36 5.52 9.21 -2.93 15.85 7.01 11.47 -10.10 8.95
3.20 10.67 17.61 11.73 7.52 5.58 9.28 -2.87 15.95 7.01 11.44 -10.05 8.95
2.10 9.43 16.41 10.62 6.00 4.14 7.76 -4.27 14.34 5.87 10.24 -10.99 7.89

EstatePlus (Elite)

2011 2.91
2012 10.31
2013 17.34
2014 11.48
2015 6.69
2016 4.94
2017 8.76
2018 -3.63
2019 15.09
2020 6.56
2021 11.11
2022 -10.45
2023 8.39

IncomePlus v2.0 (Elite)

2011 2.91
2012 10.31
2013 17.34
2014 11.48
2015 6.77
2016 4.88
2017 8.53
2018 -3.56
2019 15.15
2020 6.62
2021 11.04
2022 -10.34
2023 8.68

IncomePlus v2.1 (Elite)

2013 17.31
2014 11.41
2015 6.71
2016 4.83
2017 8.48
2018 -3.66
2019 15.06
2020 6.54
2021 10.94
2022 -10.40
2023 8.65

IncomePlus v2.2 (Elite)

2014 11.84
2015 6.88
2016 4.96
2017 8.62
2018 -3.56
2019 15.06
2020 6.51
2021 11.14
2022 -10.34
2023 8.65

InvestmentPlus 75/75(Elite)

2011 2.91
2012 10.31
2013 17.34
2014 11.51
2015 6.90
2016 5.01
2017 8.66
2018 -3.47
2019 15.21
2020 6.67
2021 11.09
2022 -10.30
2023 8.73


2011 2.10
2012 9.43
2013 16.41
2014 10.59
2015 5.90
2016 4.04
2017 7.65
2018 -4.37
2019 14.22
2020 5.76
2021 10.14
2022 -11.07
2023 7.80

EstatePlus (F-Class)

2011 3.20
2012 10.67
2013 17.61
2014 11.78
2015 7.26
2016 5.38
2017 9.00
2018 -3.12
2019 15.78
2020 7.01
2021 11.43
2022 -10.07
2023 8.93

IncomePlus v2.0

2011 2.10
2012 9.43
2013 16.41
2014 10.59
2015 5.90
2016 4.04
2017 7.65
2018 -4.37
2019 14.22
2020 5.76
2021 10.14
2022 -11.07
2023 7.80

IncomePlus v2.0 (F-Class)

2011 3.20
2012 10.67
2013 17.61
2014 11.74
2015 6.98
2016 5.11
2017 8.76
2018 -3.30
2019 15.56
2020 6.99
2021 11.43
2022 -10.02
2023 9.07

IncomePlus v2.1

2013 16.43
2014 10.60
2015 5.91
2016 4.05
2017 7.67
2018 -4.35
2019 14.24
2020 5.77
2021 10.15
2022 -11.06
2023 7.81

IncomePlus v2.1 (F-Class)

2013 17.84
2014 12.05
2015 7.43
2016 5.59
2017 9.16
2018 -2.99
2019 15.82
2020 6.96
2021 11.40
2022 -10.08
2023 9.06

IncomePlus v2.2

2014 10.62
2015 5.90
2016 4.05
2017 7.68
2018 -4.35
2019 14.25
2020 5.78
2021 10.16
2022 -11.05
2023 7.82

IncomePlus v2.2 (F-Class)

2014 12.01
2015 7.36
2016 5.52
2017 9.21
2018 -2.93
2019 15.85
2020 7.01
2021 11.47
2022 -10.10
2023 8.95

InvestmentPlus 75/75 F-Class, PSF

2011 3.20
2012 10.67
2013 17.61
2014 11.73
2015 7.52
2016 5.58
2017 9.28
2018 -2.87
2019 15.95
2020 7.01
2021 11.44
2022 -10.05
2023 8.95

InvestmentPlus 75/75 Front-end, Back-end, Low-load, No-load with CB

2011 2.10
2012 9.43
2013 16.41
2014 10.62
2015 6.00
2016 4.14
2017 7.76
2018 -4.27
2019 14.34
2020 5.87
2021 10.24
2022 -10.99
2023 7.89
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
EstatePlus (Elite) 2.91 10.31 17.34 11.48 6.69 4.94 8.76 -3.63 15.09 6.56 11.11 -10.45 8.39
IncomePlus v2.0 (Elite) 2.91 10.31 17.34 11.48 6.77 4.88 8.53 -3.56 15.15 6.62 11.04 -10.34 8.68
IncomePlus v2.1 (Elite) 17.31 11.41 6.71 4.83 8.48 -3.66 15.06 6.54 10.94 -10.40 8.65
IncomePlus v2.2 (Elite) 11.84 6.88 4.96 8.62 -3.56 15.06 6.51 11.14 -10.34 8.65
InvestmentPlus 75/75(Elite) 2.91 10.31 17.34 11.51 6.90 5.01 8.66 -3.47 15.21 6.67 11.09 -10.30 8.73
EstatePlus 2.10 9.43 16.41 10.59 5.90 4.04 7.65 -4.37 14.22 5.76 10.14 -11.07 7.80
EstatePlus (F-Class) 3.20 10.67 17.61 11.78 7.26 5.38 9.00 -3.12 15.78 7.01 11.43 -10.07 8.93
IncomePlus v2.0 2.10 9.43 16.41 10.59 5.90 4.04 7.65 -4.37 14.22 5.76 10.14 -11.07 7.80
IncomePlus v2.0 (F-Class) 3.20 10.67 17.61 11.74 6.98 5.11 8.76 -3.30 15.56 6.99 11.43 -10.02 9.07
IncomePlus v2.1 16.43 10.60 5.91 4.05 7.67 -4.35 14.24 5.77 10.15 -11.06 7.81
IncomePlus v2.1 (F-Class) 17.84 12.05 7.43 5.59 9.16 -2.99 15.82 6.96 11.40 -10.08 9.06
IncomePlus v2.2 10.62 5.90 4.05 7.68 -4.35 14.25 5.78 10.16 -11.05 7.82
IncomePlus v2.2 (F-Class) 12.01 7.36 5.52 9.21 -2.93 15.85 7.01 11.47 -10.10 8.95
InvestmentPlus 75/75 F-Class, PSF 3.20 10.67 17.61 11.73 7.52 5.58 9.28 -2.87 15.95 7.01 11.44 -10.05 8.95
InvestmentPlus 75/75 Front-end, Back-end, Low-load, No-load with CB (selected) 2.10 9.43 16.41 10.62 6.00 4.14 7.76 -4.27 14.34 5.87 10.24 -10.99 7.89

Portfolio Allocation as of October 31, 2024

Asset Allocation (%)

Asset Allocation pie chart. See following table for detailed information. The pie slices display the relative value of each table entry.

Asset Allocation pie chart.
Name Weight %
Equities 60.55
Fixed income 33.05
Cash and equivalents 6.63

Geographic Allocation (%)

Geographic Allocation pie chart. See following table for detailed information. The pie slices display the relative value of each table entry.

Geographic Allocation pie chart.
Name Weight %
Canada 73.91
United States 11.39
United Kingdom 3.20
France 1.89
Netherlands 1.51
Switzerland 1.14
Sweden 0.92
Norway 0.89
Germany 0.85
Italy 0.85
Other 3.45

Sector Allocation (%)

Sector Allocation pie chart. See following table for detailed information. The pie slices display the relative value of each table entry.

Sector Allocation pie chart.
Name Weight %
Financials 27.34
Industrials 19.09
Information tech. 13.15
Cons. discrectionary 8.10
Consumer staples 7.73
Health care 5.66
Communication serv. 5.06
Energy 4.91
Utilities 4.01
Materials 3.96
Real Estate 1.00

Fixed Income Allocation (%)

Fixed Income Allocation table combined with a bar chart. The bars are under each row, representing the relative value of each table entry.

Canadian provincial bonds 36.04
Canadian investment grade bonds 31.83
Canadian government bonds 20.36
Floating rate bank loans 6.27
Canadian Corporate Bonds 3.54
U.S. investment grade bonds 1.60
Canadian agency bonds 0.36

Top 10 Holdings (%)

Name Weight %
Province of Quebec, 3.6%, 9/1/2033 2.94
Province of Ontario, 3.65%, 6/2/2033 2.36
Royal Bank of Canada 2.05
Gov. of Canada, 12/18/2024 1.71
CGI Inc. Cl A Sub Vtg 1.64
Canada Housing Trust No.1, 3.5%, 12/15/2034 1.63
Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. 1.62
Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc. 1.59
Gov. of Canada, 1/30/2025 1.44
Brookfield Corporation Vtg Shs Cl A 1.42

Historical Net Asset Values


InvestmentPlus 75/75 Front-end, Back-end, Low-load, No-load with CB (selected)
InvestmentPlus 75/75(Elite)
InvestmentPlus 75/75 F-Class, PSF
EstatePlus (F-Class)
EstatePlus (Elite)
IncomePlus v2.2 (Elite)
IncomePlus v2.2
IncomePlus v2.2 (F-Class)
IncomePlus v2.1 (Elite)
IncomePlus v2.1 (F-Class)
IncomePlus v2.1
IncomePlus v2.0
IncomePlus v2.0 (Elite)
IncomePlus v2.0 (F-Class)
Management Fee (%) Insurance Fee (%) Management Expense Ratio (%) Fund Fee Rate (%)2
1.79 0.00 2.56
1.07 0.00 1.79
1.03 0.00 1.46
1.87 0.00 2.65 0.45
1.03 0.00 1.46 0.45
1.15 0.00 1.89 0.45
1.15 0.00 1.89 0.85
1.87 0.00 2.62 0.85
1.03 0.00 1.46 0.85
1.15 0.00 1.89 0.85
1.03 0.00 1.46 0.85
1.87 0.00 2.64 0.85
1.87 0.00 2.65 0.85
1.15 0.00 1.83 0.85
1.03 0.00 1.47 0.85

InvestmentPlus 75/75 Front-end, Back-end, Low-load, No-load with CB

Management Fee (%) 1.79
Insurance Fee (%) 0.00
Management Expense Ratio (%) 2.56
Fund Fee Rate (%)2

InvestmentPlus 75/75(Elite)

Management Fee (%) 1.07
Insurance Fee (%) 0.00
Management Expense Ratio (%) 1.79
Fund Fee Rate (%)2

InvestmentPlus 75/75 F-Class, PSF

Management Fee (%) 1.03
Insurance Fee (%) 0.00
Management Expense Ratio (%) 1.46
Fund Fee Rate (%)2


Management Fee (%) 1.87
Insurance Fee (%) 0.00
Management Expense Ratio (%) 2.65
Fund Fee Rate (%)2 0.45

EstatePlus (F-Class)

Management Fee (%) 1.03
Insurance Fee (%) 0.00
Management Expense Ratio (%) 1.46
Fund Fee Rate (%)2 0.45

EstatePlus (Elite)

Management Fee (%) 1.15
Insurance Fee (%) 0.00
Management Expense Ratio (%) 1.89
Fund Fee Rate (%)2 0.45

IncomePlus v2.2 (Elite)

Management Fee (%) 1.15
Insurance Fee (%) 0.00
Management Expense Ratio (%) 1.89
Fund Fee Rate (%)2 0.85

IncomePlus v2.2

Management Fee (%) 1.87
Insurance Fee (%) 0.00
Management Expense Ratio (%) 2.62
Fund Fee Rate (%)2 0.85

IncomePlus v2.2 (F-Class)

Management Fee (%) 1.03
Insurance Fee (%) 0.00
Management Expense Ratio (%) 1.46
Fund Fee Rate (%)2 0.85

IncomePlus v2.1 (Elite)

Management Fee (%) 1.15
Insurance Fee (%) 0.00
Management Expense Ratio (%) 1.89
Fund Fee Rate (%)2 0.85

IncomePlus v2.1 (F-Class)

Management Fee (%) 1.03
Insurance Fee (%) 0.00
Management Expense Ratio (%) 1.46
Fund Fee Rate (%)2 0.85

IncomePlus v2.1

Management Fee (%) 1.87
Insurance Fee (%) 0.00
Management Expense Ratio (%) 2.64
Fund Fee Rate (%)2 0.85

IncomePlus v2.0

Management Fee (%) 1.87
Insurance Fee (%) 0.00
Management Expense Ratio (%) 2.65
Fund Fee Rate (%)2 0.85

IncomePlus v2.0 (Elite)

Management Fee (%) 1.15
Insurance Fee (%) 0.00
Management Expense Ratio (%) 1.83
Fund Fee Rate (%)2 0.85

IncomePlus v2.0 (F-Class)

Management Fee (%) 1.03
Insurance Fee (%) 0.00
Management Expense Ratio (%) 1.47
Fund Fee Rate (%)2 0.85
Management Fee (%) Insurance Fee (%) Management Expense Ratio (%) Fund Fee Rate (%)2
EstatePlus 1.87 0.00 2.65 0.45
EstatePlus (Elite) 1.15 0.00 1.89 0.45
EstatePlus (F-Class) 1.03 0.00 1.46 0.45
IncomePlus v2.0 1.87 0.00 2.65 0.85
IncomePlus v2.0 (Elite) 1.15 0.00 1.83 0.85
IncomePlus v2.0 (F-Class) 1.03 0.00 1.47 0.85
IncomePlus v2.1 1.87 0.00 2.64 0.85
IncomePlus v2.1 (Elite) 1.15 0.00 1.89 0.85
IncomePlus v2.1 (F-Class) 1.03 0.00 1.46 0.85
IncomePlus v2.2 1.87 0.00 2.62 0.85
IncomePlus v2.2 (Elite) 1.15 0.00 1.89 0.85
IncomePlus v2.2 (F-Class) 1.03 0.00 1.46 0.85
InvestmentPlus 75/75 F-Class, PSF 1.03 0.00 1.46
InvestmentPlus 75/75 Front-end, Back-end, Low-load, No-load with CB (selected) 1.79 0.00 2.56
InvestmentPlus 75/75(Elite) 1.07 0.00 1.79

2Fund Fee Rates are used to calculate the applicable Series fee and depend on the volatility of the Fund, all as described in the applicable Information Folder and Contract. The Series fee is in addition to the MER.