
Quick Facts

Daily Price

-0.59% (-$0.23)
October 21, 2024

Summary Stats

Asset Class U.S. Equity
Risk Medium to High
MER 1 2.83%
Net Assets $714.72 M
Inception Date October 07, 2013
Fund Status Open
Geographic Allocation
A map of the United States.
A map of the United States.

Geographic Allocation

A map of the United States.
A map of the United States.

Growth of $10,000

A chart thumbnail displaying change in value of $10,000 invested in this fund.
A chart thumbnail displaying change in value of $10,000 invested in this fund. 

Underlying Fund

Manulife U.S. All Cap Equity Fund

Underlying Fund Manager

Manulife Investment Management Limited

Portfolio Sub-Advisor

Manulife Investment Management (US) LLC

Portfolio Managers

Sandy Sanders, Jonathan White

Investment Objective

The Fund seeks to provide long-term capital appreciation by investing primarily in equity securities of U.S. companies of all sizes.

Fund Codes

F-Class FE BE LL NLCB4 NLCB2 Elite FE Elite BE Elite LL
MGF3911 MGF5211 MGF6311
Fund Status ADO SWO SWO
MGF9911 MGF1111 MGF3211 MGF5611 MGF7511
Fund Status Open SWO SWO SWO Open
Fund Status Open

InvestmentPlus (Elite)

Elite FE MGF3911 ADO
Elite BE MGF5211 SWO
Elite LL MGF6311 SWO

InvestmentPlus (selected)

FE MGF9911 Open
NLCB2 MGF7511 Open
Elite FE
Elite BE
Elite LL

InvestmentPlus (F-Class)

F-Class MGF4911 Open
Elite FE
Elite BE
Elite LL
F-Class FE BE LL NLCB4 NLCB2 Elite FE Elite BE Elite LL
InvestmentPlus (Elite) MGF3911 MGF5211 MGF6311
Fund Status ADO SWO SWO
InvestmentPlus MGF9911 MGF1111 MGF3211 MGF5611 MGF7511
Fund Status Open SWO SWO SWO Open
InvestmentPlus (F-Class) MGF4911
Fund Status Open

Performance ±

Growth Chart

Jump to Range
Total return for this timeframe
Growth Chart

Compound Returns (%)

1 month 3 months 6 months YTD 1 year 3 years 5 years 10 years Inception
2.02 5.41 10.10 21.84 37.19 9.97 15.77 13.10 14.06
1.93 5.13 9.52 20.89 35.77 8.87 14.62 11.98 12.94
2.03 5.45 10.17 21.95 37.35 10.09 15.90 13.26 14.23

InvestmentPlus (Elite)

1 month 2.02
3 months 5.41
6 months 10.10
YTD 21.84
1 year 37.19
3 years 9.97
5 years 15.77
10 years 13.10
Inception 14.06


1 month 1.93
3 months 5.13
6 months 9.52
YTD 20.89
1 year 35.77
3 years 8.87
5 years 14.62
10 years 11.98
Inception 12.94

InvestmentPlus (F-Class)

1 month 2.03
3 months 5.45
6 months 10.17
YTD 21.95
1 year 37.35
3 years 10.09
5 years 15.90
10 years 13.26
Inception 14.23
1 month 3 months 6 months YTD 1 year 3 years 5 years 10 years Inception
InvestmentPlus (Elite) 2.02 5.41 10.10 21.84 37.19 9.97 15.77 13.10 14.06
InvestmentPlus (selected) 1.93 5.13 9.52 20.89 35.77 8.87 14.62 11.98 12.94
InvestmentPlus (F-Class) 2.03 5.45 10.17 21.95 37.35 10.09 15.90 13.26 14.23

Calendar Returns (%)

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
16.72 10.25 8.82 23.86 -14.24 32.30 18.27 27.40 -20.81 30.61
15.59 9.19 7.78 22.66 -15.09 30.97 17.10 26.17 -21.59 29.28
17.06 10.78 8.88 23.87 -14.15 32.45 18.41 27.55 -20.72 30.72

InvestmentPlus (Elite)

2014 16.72
2015 10.25
2016 8.82
2017 23.86
2018 -14.24
2019 32.30
2020 18.27
2021 27.40
2022 -20.81
2023 30.61


2014 15.59
2015 9.19
2016 7.78
2017 22.66
2018 -15.09
2019 30.97
2020 17.10
2021 26.17
2022 -21.59
2023 29.28

InvestmentPlus (F-Class)

2014 17.06
2015 10.78
2016 8.88
2017 23.87
2018 -14.15
2019 32.45
2020 18.41
2021 27.55
2022 -20.72
2023 30.72
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
InvestmentPlus (Elite) 16.72 10.25 8.82 23.86 -14.24 32.30 18.27 27.40 -20.81 30.61
InvestmentPlus (selected) 15.59 9.19 7.78 22.66 -15.09 30.97 17.10 26.17 -21.59 29.28
InvestmentPlus (F-Class) 17.06 10.78 8.88 23.87 -14.15 32.45 18.41 27.55 -20.72 30.72

Portfolio Allocation as of August 31, 2024

Asset Allocation (%)

Asset Allocation pie chart. See following table for detailed information. The pie slices display the relative value of each table entry.

Asset Allocation pie chart.
Name Weight %
Equities 98.96
Cash and equivalents 1.26

Geographic Allocation (%)

Geographic Allocation pie chart. See following table for detailed information. The pie slices display the relative value of each table entry.

Geographic Allocation pie chart.
Name Weight %
United States 93.81
Canada 2.70
Belgium 1.47
Switzerland 0.96
Israel 0.81
Italy 0.25

Sector Allocation (%)

Sector Allocation pie chart. See following table for detailed information. The pie slices display the relative value of each table entry.

Sector Allocation pie chart.
Name Weight %
Information tech. 27.69
Cons. discrectionary 23.42
Financials 15.87
Communication serv. 9.59
Health care 6.40
Industrials 5.84
Energy 5.09
Real Estate 3.53
Consumer staples 1.50
Materials 1.07

Top 10 Holdings (%)

Name Weight %
Amazon.com Inc. 8.03
NVIDIA Corp. 6.92
Alphabet Inc. Cl A 5.43
Apple Inc. 4.57
Lennar Corp. Cl A 4.55
Morgan Stanley Com New 4.01
KKR & Co. Inc. 3.80
BancWest Corp. 3.55
Cheniere Energy Inc. Com New 3.53
Crown Castle Inc. 3.27

Historical Net Asset Values


InvestmentPlus (F-Class)
InvestmentPlus (Elite)
InvestmentPlus (selected)
Management Fee (%) Insurance Fee (%) Management Expense Ratio (%)
1.31 0.00 1.71
1.37 0.00 1.81
2.09 0.00 2.83

InvestmentPlus (F-Class)

Management Fee (%) 1.31
Insurance Fee (%) 0.00
Management Expense Ratio (%) 1.71

InvestmentPlus (Elite)

Management Fee (%) 1.37
Insurance Fee (%) 0.00
Management Expense Ratio (%) 1.81


Management Fee (%) 2.09
Insurance Fee (%) 0.00
Management Expense Ratio (%) 2.83
Management Fee (%) Insurance Fee (%) Management Expense Ratio (%)
InvestmentPlus (selected) 2.09 0.00 2.83
InvestmentPlus (Elite) 1.37 0.00 1.81
InvestmentPlus (F-Class) 1.31 0.00 1.71