
Quick Facts

Daily Price

0.01% ($0.00)
July 25, 2024

Summary Stats

Asset Class Tactical Balanced
Risk Low to Medium
MER 1 2.65%
Net Assets $31.12 M
Inception Date May 17, 2016
Fund Status Open to switches-in only
Geographic Allocation
A map of the world.
A map of the world.

Geographic Allocation

A map of the world.
A map of the world.

Growth of $10,000

A chart thumbnail displaying change in value of $10,000 invested in this fund.
A chart thumbnail displaying change in value of $10,000 invested in this fund. 

Underlying Fund

Manulife Tactical Income Fund

Underlying Fund Manager

Manulife Investment Management Limited

Portfolio Managers

Steve Belisle, Christopher Mann, Patrick Blais, Roshan Thiru

Investment Objective

This Balanced Fund aims to generate income with the potential for long term capital growth. The Fund invests primarily in fixed income and equity securities of Canadian and foreign issuers.

Fund Codes

BE NL LL Platinum NL F-Class
SLI60230 SLI60231 SLI60232
Fund Status SWO SWO SWO
Fund Status SWO
Fund Status SWO

Ideal 75/75 Series (selected)

Platinum NL

Ideal 75/75 Series (F-Class)

Platinum NL
F-Class SLI60234 SWO

Ideal 75/75 Series (Platinum NL)

Platinum NL SLI60233 SWO
BE NL LL Platinum NL F-Class
Ideal 75/75 Series SLI60230 SLI60231 SLI60232
Fund Status SWO SWO SWO
Ideal 75/75 Series (F-Class) SLI60234
Fund Status SWO
Ideal 75/75 Series (Platinum NL) SLI60233
Fund Status SWO

Performance ±

Growth Chart

Jump to Range
Total return for this timeframe
Growth Chart

Compound Returns (%)

1 month 3 months 6 months YTD 1 year 3 years 5 years 10 years Inception
1.59 0.48 7.36 7.36 11.46 5.86 6.90 6.19
1.67 0.75 7.69 7.69 12.42 6.94 8.05 7.38
1.65 0.67 7.77 7.77 12.32 6.68 7.72 6.99

Ideal 75/75 Series

1 month 1.59
3 months 0.48
6 months 7.36
YTD 7.36
1 year 11.46
3 years 5.86
5 years 6.90
10 years
Inception 6.19

Ideal 75/75 Series (F-Class)

1 month 1.67
3 months 0.75
6 months 7.69
YTD 7.69
1 year 12.42
3 years 6.94
5 years 8.05
10 years
Inception 7.38

Ideal 75/75 Series (Platinum NL)

1 month 1.65
3 months 0.67
6 months 7.77
YTD 7.77
1 year 12.32
3 years 6.68
5 years 7.72
10 years
Inception 6.99
1 month 3 months 6 months YTD 1 year 3 years 5 years 10 years Inception
Ideal 75/75 Series (selected) 1.59 0.48 7.36 7.36 11.46 5.86 6.90 6.19
Ideal 75/75 Series (F-Class) 1.67 0.75 7.69 7.69 12.42 6.94 8.05 7.38
Ideal 75/75 Series (Platinum NL) 1.65 0.67 7.77 7.77 12.32 6.68 7.72 6.99

Calendar Returns (%)

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
5.72 -5.41 13.63 9.05 11.85 -6.34 11.49
6.94 -4.31 15.08 10.26 13.08 -5.31 12.71
6.43 -4.70 14.48 9.88 12.69 -5.63 12.35

Ideal 75/75 Series

2017 5.72
2018 -5.41
2019 13.63
2020 9.05
2021 11.85
2022 -6.34
2023 11.49

Ideal 75/75 Series (F-Class)

2017 6.94
2018 -4.31
2019 15.08
2020 10.26
2021 13.08
2022 -5.31
2023 12.71

Ideal 75/75 Series (Platinum NL)

2017 6.43
2018 -4.70
2019 14.48
2020 9.88
2021 12.69
2022 -5.63
2023 12.35
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Ideal 75/75 Series (selected) 5.72 -5.41 13.63 9.05 11.85 -6.34 11.49
Ideal 75/75 Series (F-Class) 6.94 -4.31 15.08 10.26 13.08 -5.31 12.71
Ideal 75/75 Series (Platinum NL) 6.43 -4.70 14.48 9.88 12.69 -5.63 12.35

Portfolio Allocation as of May 31, 2024

Asset Allocation (%)

Asset Allocation pie chart. See following table for detailed information. The pie slices display the relative value of each table entry.

Asset Allocation pie chart.
Name Weight %
Equities 59.24
Fixed income 33.43
Cash and equivalents 7.35

Geographic Allocation (%)

Geographic Allocation pie chart. See following table for detailed information. The pie slices display the relative value of each table entry.

Geographic Allocation pie chart.
Name Weight %
Canada 52.79
United States 31.09
United Kingdom 7.29
Ireland 3.04
Germany 2.02
Netherlands 1.32
France 1.21
Spain 1.02
Jersey Channel Islands 0.22
Australia 0.04
Other -0.03

Sector Allocation (%)

Sector Allocation pie chart. See following table for detailed information. The pie slices display the relative value of each table entry.

Sector Allocation pie chart.
Name Weight %
Information tech. 25.22
Industrials 18.47
Financials 15.35
Health care 14.18
Cons. discrectionary 11.69
Consumer staples 6.88
Energy 4.63
Communication serv. 2.78
Materials 0.78

Fixed Income Allocation (%)

Fixed Income Allocation table combined with a bar chart. The bars are under each row, representing the relative value of each table entry.

Canadian investment grade bonds 41.80
Canadian Corporate Bonds 21.15
Floating rate bank loans 20.26
Canadian government bonds 9.10
U.S. investment grade bonds 2.75
Canadian provincial bonds 1.68
International investment grade bonds 1.24
Canadian Mortgage-backed Securities 0.75
Canadian municipal bonds 0.51
Canadian Asset-backed Securities 0.24
Other 0.51

Top 10 Holdings (%)

Name Weight %
Banner Trust, 6/3/2024 7.17
Microsoft Corp. 3.37
Oracle Corp. 2.67
Visa Inc. Com Cl A 2.48
Abbott Laboratories 2.11
Brown & Brown Inc. 2.04
McKesson Corp. 2.01
McDonald's Corp. 1.92
Sysco Corp. 1.85
London Stock Exchange Group PLC Ord Gbp0.06918604 1.85

Historical Net Asset Values


Ideal 75/75 Series (selected)
Ideal 75/75 Series (Platinum NL)
Ideal 75/75 Series (F-Class)
Management Fee (%) Insurance Fee (%) Management Expense Ratio (%)
2.25 0.10 2.65
1.65 0.10 1.88
1.25 0.10 1.56

Ideal 75/75 Series

Management Fee (%) 2.25
Insurance Fee (%) 0.10
Management Expense Ratio (%) 2.65

Ideal 75/75 Series (Platinum NL)

Management Fee (%) 1.65
Insurance Fee (%) 0.10
Management Expense Ratio (%) 1.88

Ideal 75/75 Series (F-Class)

Management Fee (%) 1.25
Insurance Fee (%) 0.10
Management Expense Ratio (%) 1.56
Management Fee (%) Insurance Fee (%) Management Expense Ratio (%)
Ideal 75/75 Series (selected) 2.25 0.10 2.65
Ideal 75/75 Series (F-Class) 1.25 0.10 1.56
Ideal 75/75 Series (Platinum NL) 1.65 0.10 1.88